New Long Term Photo Project

So I’ve slowly been collecting photos of great roadside signs with my Rolli.
I’m talking about the unique signs for an old motel or ice cream shop that you find on a back road or small highway. They’re mostly old, from another era, but there is something uniquely charming about a one-of-a-kind sign. I’ll be collecting these on my travels and publishing them here. If you know of a sign that fits this description, please let me know. I’d love to see it.

- Mike


Thesis presentation

Last night I presented and defended my thesis in front of the faculty of George Washington University's New Media Photojournalism Program.  It was the culmination of over a year of hard work, with the support of my professors, fellow students and close friends and family.  

There will be an opening for myself and other Corcoran School of Arts and Design students on Thursday, April 26th at 6:30 at the Corcoran School on 17th and E St NW, in Washington, DC. 

I encourage you to come see all the great work by my fellow photojournalists and artists.  It will be on display through the month of May. 

Rolleiflex Potraits

So as you can see in my self portrait that accompanies this blog and in my post from January 19th. I was gifted a 1957 Rolleiflex 2.8D.  I've been wanting to take some portraits with it and share them with you so here are a few.  

Photographing Protests

Photographing Protests

Today I thought I would share what I've learned shooting protests, marches, and similar events. This won't include your legal rights as a photographer.  It's tips to help you get the shots you want.  

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SNAPSHOT: Weekend of Protests in DC

So this weekend saw some significant events here in DC I wanted to share a few with you.

On Friday, I was able to photograph an event in support of the DREAM Act just as the Senate was about to shut down.  

In addition, on the one year anniversary of Donald Trump's inauguration, thousands gathered on Saturday for the Women's March on Washington.  Here are a few quick hits from that.

A return to my roots...

A return to my roots...

 I opened the box and was floored.  This was medium format.  I didn't even know where to buy 120 film.  I was so excited I loaded my first roll incorrectly and blew out all but two exposures.

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Entry 1

This week I'm beginning my last semester of graduate school at the Corcoran School of Art + Design.  I'm working out the kinks of my thesis and polishing everything up. It'll be a long slog but the result will be something worth the effort.  

I'll be posting here on Thursdays or Fridays. Trying to keep you updated on this journey.

Here we go!